DODEA-Europe Basketball Camp

Apr 24, 2024
Silhouette of people playing basketball with information on the camp link to sign up is attached to this article

100 Slots Rising 9th-12th grade boys and girls are all welcome.

All DoDEA-Europe High School Athletes $80

27-28 June at Vincenza High School, Vincenza Italy

8 AM - 12 PM 13:30-16:30 daily

ALL RISING 9th-12th Grade DoDEA-Europe Athletes: you are invited to the 1st annual DoDEA-E Basketball Camp in Vicenza, Italy (Thursday, June 27 to Friday, June 28 2024).


Here is the sign-up form, and completing it is your admission to the camp, pending all uploaded forms are fully completed, signed, and current: 

2024 DoDEA-Europe Basketball Camp Sign-Up



*Transportation WILL NOT be provided by DoDEA.  Players' families will be required to arrange any/all transportation to and from both days of the camp.
*CHECK-IN time for the first day of camp will be THU June 27 from 0815-0830 at Vicenza High School. 

*CHECK-OUT time will be FRI June 28 at 1630.

*The home base for the camp is the Vicenza High School Gymnasium (we will also use other gyms on the Villaggio base complex).


*QUESTIONS: Direct any questions or concerns to Camp Directors:

1 - Coach Greg DeJardin (Vicenza HS) / OR +39 3898807010 (also for WhatsApp)

2 - Coach Michael Weston (Hohenfels HS) / OR +39 345 5032470 (+1 508 9812933 for WhatsApp)


Submitting the items below are mandatory, however ALL are already embedded/fillable in the original Camp Sign-Up/Google Form (linked above, but also itemized here for your convenience):


2024 DoDEA-Europe Basketball Camp Sign-Up


Player Packet Docs


DoDEA Sports Physical


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